1 Competition rules | Shopland Karlovy Vary Fountain - Your shopping center

General rules valid for all contests held on the OC SHOPLAND KARLOVY VARY (FB) and OC SHOPLAND KARLOVY VARY (IG) profiles.

1. The organizer of the competitions is the company Shopping Mall Karlovy Vary s.r.o. with registered office: Londýnská 730/59, 120 00 Prague, Company ID: 10731806, C 347433 held at the Municipal Court in Prague (hereinafter referred to as "the organizer").

2. Contests are in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Meta. The information provided in the framework of the competitions is provided to the Organizer and will not be made available to Meta in any way. All questions, comments or complaints regarding the Contests must be directed to the Contest Organizer, not Meta.

All questions, comments or complaints regarding the contests must be directed to the contest organizer, not to Facebook.

3. The specific selection of the winner may differ for individual competitions. The method of selection is always determined by the supplementary rules stated in the competition entry.

4. The organizer of the competition reserves the right, without entitlement to compensation, to postpone, interrupt or cancel the event and marketing competition or to unilaterally change or supplement its rules throughout its duration.

5. The organizer of the competition reserves the right to exclude from the competition all participants suspected of having committed fraudulent behavior during the competition. The organizer's decision cannot be appealed.

6. By participating in the competition, the participant acknowledges that his personal data provided to the organizer and the organizer in connection with participation in the competition will be processed by Shopping Mall Karlovy Vary, s.r.o., as the administrator of personal data.

The contestant gives the organizer consent to the processing of the provided personal data for the purpose of handing over the prize, solving questions related to participation in the contest, for a period of 10 years from the entry into the Contest. Consent is granted by the contestant in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"). The personal data provided will be processed in the scope of name, surname, photo and other data entered during the competition. Providing data is a condition for participation in the competition. The administrator of personal data is the Organizer, see article 1. At the same time, the competitor expresses his consent to be contacted via a private message by the person responsible for the organizer, i.e. the marketing manager of OC SHOPLAND KARLOVY VARY.

The competitor has the right to withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data by a written request delivered to the address of the Organiser's registered office. The withdrawal of consent is effective at the moment of its delivery to the Organizer. Withdrawal of consent during the duration of the competition or before prize delivery will result in the entrant being disqualified from the competition. The contestant also has the rights according to § 12 and § 21 of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., i.e. in particular the right to access information about the processing of data that concerns him, the right to correct it, remove the objectionable state, the right to have personal data blocked or demand their liquidation, as well as the right to compensation for any damage according to the relevant legal regulations, and the right to an explanation if he believes that the processing is in violation of the protection of private and personal life.

Competition winners are not published.

To obtain information regarding the security of personal data, the procedure for their use and the use of the rights of the subject of personal data, the Contestant may contact the Organizer at adventumkarlovy-vary@gmail.com

7. By submitting a contribution to the competition, each contestant grants the organizer a non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, territorially, quantitatively, temporally and technologically unlimited license to use all contributions and other content for the duration of the competition the duration of the property rights of the author or owner of this intellectual property and for all possible purposes of use (hereinafter referred to as the "License"), including the right to modify, change or use such copyright work together with another work at any time (i.e. use of the work in particular in all ways according to the provisions of § 12 paragraphs 1 and 4 of the Copyright Act).

The competitor is responsible for ensuring that the rights of third parties are not violated and the copyrights of third parties are not affected by sending the competition entry and its subsequent publication.

8. Contest entries must not contradict good morals, must not violate the legal order of the Czech Republic and must not unduly interfere with the rights and legally protected interests of third parties. Likewise, they must not be directed against OC SHOPLAND KARLOVY VARY. Such entries will be automatically disqualified from the competition.

9. Persons who are in a working or similar relationship with the companies Shopping Mall Karlovy Vary s.r.o., or are considered to be close to the employees of the company Shopping Mall Karlovy Vary s.r.o., or persons with these companies are excluded from the competition otherwise personally or property related.

10. Natural persons over the age of 18 who have full legal capacity and permanent residence in the Czech Republic and persons under the age of 18 who will be represented by a legal representative in the event of a win may participate in the competition.

11. If the winner of the competition does not hear from the marketing manager within 5 days of being contacted, the prize will be forfeited to the organizer with immediate effect and without the possibility of appeal.

12. The prize will be handed over to the winner always and only at the store with which the competition is organized or at the Administration of the OC SHOPLAND KARLOVY VARY center, Chebská 370, 360 06 Karlovy Vary - Dvory, Czech Republic. Prizes are not shipped and cannot be collected by another representative of the winner.

13. By participating in the competition, the participant automatically agrees to these rules.